The Watching World

Foundations of Faith with Jeremy Brownlee

Episode Summary

Deconstructionism has recently gained popularity in our society, especially among young adults. For many people, it comes from a desire for connection, approval, and truth. Pastor Jeremy Brownlee joins Les Norman to discuss the foundations of faith and why people deconstruct their faith. They remind believers that we are called to study God’s Word and should live by the Word of God, not the word of pastors, social media influencers, or political candidates. The Enemy is continually trying to chip away at the foundations of our faith. But God is good, and His Word is true. If you encounter someone that is deconstructing, love them. Talk to them. Listen to understand them. Share the truth with them. They may just be looking for genuine people whom they can trust. If you are going through deconstruction, Jesus loves you. He is not upset by your questions and concerns but doesn’t want you to be deceived. Don’t suppress your questions and struggles, because the Enemy wants you in isolation. Reach out to a trusted person today or visit one of the resources below. Want answers to your questions? Visit these resources: