The Watching World

Gary Thomas - Dealing With Toxic People

Episode Summary

Why is it so important to eliminate toxic people from your life? To answer this question, Les interviews Gary Thomas about his new book, “When to Walk Away: Finding Freedom from Toxic People.” Sometimes, people do not want to receive what you say to them, but that does not mean you have to let them walk all over you. Gary clarifies that while every toxic person is difficult, not every difficult person is toxic. He equips listeners with markers to identify whether they are in unhealthy relationships and comforts those who feel like they cannot walk away. God wants us to protect ourselves from toxic people because they steal our joy, peace, strength, and confidence and make us ineffective in producing fruit. We must be willing to walk away if the relationship is not producing fruit. You are not responsible when someone responds in an unhealthy way to a healthy situation. You are responsible for guarding your heart and determining when to walk away from toxic influences.