The Watching World

Are You Called to Homeschool?

Episode Summary

How do you know you are called to homeschool your kids? Darcy Struckmeier is the leader of the Homeschool Center at Abundant Life. After finding homeschool programs that worked for her kids and graduating 3 out of her 4 kids, she and her husband are thankful for the opportunities it gave their family. The Abundant Life Homeschool Center serves homeschooling families by providing weekly clubs, monthly activities, and quarterly training. Darcy encourages families that homeschooling is difficult, but just because it’s difficult doesn’t mean you’re doing something wrong. She advocates for families joining homeschool programs and clubs to find like-minded communities, since homeschooling can sometimes feel lonely. If the Holy Spirit is prompting you to homeschool, take the leap! Abundant Life’s Homeschool Center exists to serve you, your spouse, and your kids as you embark on your homeschool journey.